Monday, 28 July 2014


As you may have read in one of my recent posts, I haven't been wearing concealer for that long at all and at first I wasn't too sure how to wear and apply it properly and I made a lot of mistakes which were affecting my skin and my appearance. So this is for all the concealer newbies (or the ones who aren't sure about the application of concealer) to tell you the correct way to apply and use concealer - all mistake have been made by myself and whilst committing these crimes against beauty, I was reading many articles and blogs telling me I was doing it wrong, so make sure you don't do the same as me and ignore them.

1. Caking it on: 
Time and time again I read in magazines to only apply concealer to spots, blemishes and areas that need it and I wish that I had listened sooner. I was caking it on left, right and centre and even if I looked 'good', it wasn't be kind to my skin. When I finally realised that I should have listened, I have found that my skin is actually a lot less blemish prone. Now, I only apply the littlest bit (honestly, that it all you need) to a spot or red mark, blend it in well and voila, beautiful, concealed skin!

2. Using a foundation brush to apply it:
This is a BIG no no! Not only is it not made to apply that certain product, a foundation brush is a lot bigger than a concealer brush meaning that I was applying more than I should be causing mistake number 1 to happen. It's a vicious circle...

3. Using a brush at all:
Even though there are concealer brushes, now I prefer to apply it with my fingers. Blending makeup normally achieves a better result when using your fingers rather than using a brush.

4. Not using a primer:
I never used to use a primer at all but since using bareMinerals Foundation Primer (blog post soon) I have realised that the concealer I use (Soap & Glory's Kick Ass Concealer) glides on easier and smoother, as well as staying on for longer.

5. Not blending it properly:
My concealer doesn't suit my skin tone perfectly and at times, when not blended properly it can be seen very visibly even after applying foundation. Move your face at different angles and even in different lights to make sure that you have blended all the concealer in so you don't have mis-shaded patches all over your face.

1 comment:

  1. I never ever used to blend mine properly and I'm absolutely fuming that nobody mentioned it to me earlier!

    S xo.
