Saturday, 7 March 2015


1. Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water 2. Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Balm 3. Starbucks Hot Chocolate whilst in the library 4. New necklace for Next 5. Makeup of the day 6. Beautiful quote 7. Barry M Gelly Nail Varnish in 'Almond' 8. American style pancakes 9. Dissertation & blog perparation 10. Valentines day roses 11. A trip to Bournemouth beach 12. A celebratory cider after handing in my Major Multimedia Project 13. Grands Designs and a Pizza Hut on a lazy sunday 14. My first subscription issue of Cosmoploitan 15. Pandora ring and Barry M nail varnish (with a bit chipped off 16. Phone case for my 5S 17. Shameless blog promotion picture 18. Where do they all go?! 19. Flamingo candle and melt 20. Such inspiration.

It's been a busy start to the year for me as I handed in my Major Multimedia Project at the end of January and now I am in the middle of writing my dissertation! Amongst all of this, I have also been applying for jobs for when I finish my degree (in 10 weeks time!!). It's crazy to think how quick time has gone and its true when people say that your last year of uni goes in a flash! I remember freaking thinking how there's only 10 months left before I finish and now there's 10 weeks!! Also in January/February, I have celebrated my third Valentines day with my boyfriend and gone Peppa Pig World for my nephews 2nd birthday. At the moment, my day pretty much consist of waking up, going to the library, coming home, have dinner and go to sleep. But I am so looking forward to the Easter Holidays and I'll let you know why when it comes to it, but I am so nervous and excited! Make sure you follow me on Instagram - @sophielaurablog. 

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