Saturday, 28 March 2015


I have been wanting a smart pair of black boots for quite a while as the boots I own at the moment are quite casual and, as I have worn them a lot over the years, look a bit tatty. I went shopping in Milton Keynes (UK) yesterday and looked in all of the major high street stores; New Look, Topshop, H&M, River Island etc, and I couldn't find any that are what I wanted. Either they were not in my size or the heel was way too big for my liking. I wanted a pair that I could wear for work experience, work or job interviews and not have to worry about my feet hurting.

After a pretty unsuccessful day yesterday, today I popped into a small shoe factory in the town next to my home town to see what they had on offer. At first I was thinking the same as you probably are now: "It's just going to filled with shoes and slippers for old ladies", and it mostly was, however I found these really cute pair of boots which were exactly what I was looking for. And what's even better was that they were only £19.99!

It's made me realise that the high street isn't the only place that does nice fashion pieces and accessories, and it has really made me want to look in more smaller shops and factories. I've also heard a lot of people shop in charity shops these days and actually find decent pieces of clothing for the fraction of the price they would've paid for it in a high street shop. I really want to know if any of you have found smaller shops that do gorgeous clothes/shoes or if you regularly shop in charity stores. Let me know in the comments below.


  1. beautiful boots! can't beat that price as well, nice find

  2. Super cute booties! Those are great for all year round as well. Great purchase! xo, Ellese from
