We're now in a life when we have advance technology, well paid jobs and a very controversial celebrity culture and it is very easy to get caught up in all of these things. Especially as a beauty blogger, I find myself always wanting new stuff and sometimes it gets to the stage when I'm so caught up in my life and getting annoyed a the little things - like not getting beauty products - and it's made to realise that there are so many more important things in life. I want you all to stop what you're doing for a second and think about the things that you are truly grateful for. Here's mine...
My good luck
Living in a clean and safe house
Owning all the stuff I do
People reading this blog
My job
July 2014 has been a pretty good month for me. Things that I have yearned for for so long have finally happened - such as getting a part-time job whilst I'm back from university for the summer, learning that I gained a 2:1 in my second year of uni and getting placements at not one, but two huge glossy magazines (I'll let you know a little more about those when they happen) and all of this I owe to my family. They were the ones who pushed me to do as well as possible at uni, reading through my work and helping me revise. My mum was the one to find me my job and my family and my boyfriend were always there to pick me up after I had yet another 'no' from a placement opportunity, but then saying that I should't give up.
Going to university has been a massive eye-opener for me. I have realised that not everything has all the luxuries and a loving family. They don't all have money to spare and struggle to get by at the best of times. This has made me even more thankful and grateful for everything I have - and everything I have, gained or succeeded in all comes down to one thing; my family.
So tell me, what are you grateful for?
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