Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Due to exams and generally being busy, I haven't been able to blog in a very long time! But summer is here, and as many of you will also do, I've decided to go on a summer cleanse - okay, so this is not a cleanse in the usual sense but this is just a list of things that I want to start doing and improve during the summer - and hopefully continue throughout the winter!

Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day - Okay, I know that they (whoever 'they' are) recommend that we should drink 8 glasses of water a day, but there has been recent research showing that that is a load of rubbish! And if I am truly honest, there have been days where I haven't even had one glass of water, let alone EIGHT!

One thing I need to tell you! If you are one of those people that drink nothing else other than Coke, then stop right there! I went through that stage last year - I understand, getting a can of Coke out of the fridge is waaaaay easier than making juice right? Well it isn't worth it. I had a Coke-free January and I felt so much healthier and energetic! And since having at least 3 pints of water a day I have felt a lot less 'groggy' - this will hel so much in the hot days!

Take makeup off every night - Now this is another that I should be doing but I'm not, and I was wondering why my skin isn't as good as it has been! For the past 3 weeks I have been taking my makeup up off with good quality face wipes (a blog post will be up soon) and been using a brilliant night oil (another blog post too!). My skin is so much better!

Read books every night - We get told over and over again how technology such as TV's and smartphones are ruining our lives, and I have loads of books that are just gathering just on shelves in my room. They (again, I don't know who 'they' are) say that we shouldn't be looking at technology so late into the night, so I am going to try a read a chapter of a book each night before I go to bed. This means that my eyes will get a good rest before sleep, meaning that I should get a better nights sleep! Bliss!

Less time on phone - Well this is an obvious one. It's summer and I don't want to be stuck inside on my phone all day! I've started putting my phone on vibrate and only looking at my phone when I can hear that I have a text/notification/call.

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