Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Lifestyle | How to keep warm in a university student house

We all know that student houses suck. Actually becoming an adult and paying for bills isn't the best thing in the world and if you're in second, third or final year of uni (and perhaps even first year if you weren't lucky enough to go in halls) then you will agree with me when I say it's cold. Freezing. It's not great. And with bills being so expensive, it's not an option to keep the heating on as much as we do at home. It's hard to do work when your hands, head, feet, nose and everything in between are frozen. So here are my tips to keeping as warm as possible when living in a student house.

Hot water bottles, slippers, bed socks and blankets - buy whatever you can to keep yourself warm! Hot water bottles are great when your sitting down doing work or watching TV, and the microwavable ones are even quicker to heat up, bonus!

Hot drinks
It's surprising how much a hot drink can actually make you warm inside. Whether its tea, coffee or a hot chocolate, get drinking.

Layer up
From personal experience, it's not nice having to wear 6,000 layers whilst just sitting in your room but it is necessary. Long sleeve tops, jumpers and thick fleeces are the way to go and don't forget those slippers.

Keep your door closed
If you housemates are nice enough to let you put the heating on for a couple of hours a day then make sure you keep the door to your bedroom closed, even when you're not in it. It will keep the warmth in and will be nice to come up to if your sitting down stairs.

Wipe the condensation off your windows
Not only does this keep your room and house a little bit warmer, it also reduces the risk of mould. Get a spare or old towel and whenever your window has condensation wipe it off straight away.

Keep your hair down
This ones a weird one but it does work. Keeping your hair down keeps your head a lot warmer then when its shoved up! One more reason to procrastinate and do your hair in the morning!

Let me know in the comments if you have any tips on keeping warm, because I definitely need them! If you liked this post then don't forget to follow on Bloglovin' and Twitter.


  1. I graduated in January but I can relate to this from my last 3 winters! Some people can be so difficult about having the heating on a few hours a day. I use to wear my pyjamas, dressing gown and coat then be under the covers and still freeing :( you have my sympathy xx

    Magpie Jasmine

  2. Why does private housing always have to have cold rooms?? Layers, duvet and hot drinks are definitely the way to go.

    And by the way, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out the guidelines and questions here. If the Liebster Award is about discovering new blogs and I'm glad I discovered you! :) x

    Ornella @ EUHNELLA

  3. I will definitely keep this in mind when moving into my student house this year! Thanks for a brilliant post xx

  4. Loved this - my uni house used to be ridiculously cold, I can remember wearing a onesie, dressing gown under my duvet and still not being warm enough! Hot drinks are definitely the way forward - I never drunk so much hot chocolate!

    Beth x

    Bethany Georgina
