Sunday, 13 August 2017

Why I haven't blogged in over a year

The last time I blogged was the 19th July 2016 - now on 13th August 2017 I'm sitting down to write my first post in a very long time.

Although I've had a lot going on in the past year - I started a new job and I've moved in with my boyfriend - there was one main reason why I stopped posting.

I fell out of love with my blog.

And blogging in general. Writing is something that I have loved since I was little, I've been trained in and I depend on it for my job. This time last year, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do; with my blog, with my job, with my future... I was so confused that I was relying on others to sway the decisions I was making, especially in my blog. I keep comparing mine to others, and changing it to make it more like the 'popular' ones. My confidence got so low that I stopped thinking of content for it, then stopped having the motivation to write it and so on.

Now, I'm another year older (and hopefully wiser) and I'm a lot more happier with where my life is. So I'm ready to start typing again. Let's see how this goes... 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

There's One Thing You Need On Your Dressing Table...

When it comes to make-up storage, I've probably lusted after a good few hundred on Instagram and Pinterest. Whether they're acrylic draws, brush pots, draw organisers or DIY Glossy-Box-turned-makeup-storage, I've probably seen and loved them all. Whilst doing a google to get my makeup storage fix, I come across this beauty on Amazon (also sold on eBay, if that's your preference). Naturally, the first thing to do was to share my love of it on Instagram and after I was fortunate enough to get it for my birthday from one of my best friends - it wasn't a hint, I promise!

Saturday, 16 July 2016

REVIEW | L'Oreal Extraordinary Facial Oil

This product has been taking up space in my skincare compartment for quite some time now, as I originally got this from a beauty sale when I had work experience at Cosmopolitan Magazine early last year. I used it once, didn't like the smell and then filed it to the back. It wasn't until I ran out of my normal face serum & didn't have any back-ups (which isn't like me at all) when I had no choice but to bring this back out again.

Friday, 29 April 2016


If you have followed me on social media for the past week, you'll probably know that I have been to New York... as in the BIG APPLE! The experience is one that I will never forget and the fact that I got to experienced it with my best friend made it all so much more special! I know that this destination is one at the top of most peoples travel list, so I thought I would give you the low-down on exactly what the big apple is actually like.