Although I've had a lot going on in the past year - I started a new job and I've moved in with my boyfriend - there was one main reason why I stopped posting.
I fell out of love with my blog.
And blogging in general. Writing is something that I have loved since I was little, I've been trained in and I depend on it for my job. This time last year, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do; with my blog, with my job, with my future... I was so confused that I was relying on others to sway the decisions I was making, especially in my blog. I keep comparing mine to others, and changing it to make it more like the 'popular' ones. My confidence got so low that I stopped thinking of content for it, then stopped having the motivation to write it and so on.
Now, I'm another year older (and hopefully wiser) and I'm a lot more happier with where my life is. So I'm ready to start typing again. Let's see how this goes...