Wednesday, 29 April 2015


1. Makin' brownies 2. The comfiest boots I've ever worn 3. Hearst Magazine Building 4. Blooming daffodils 5. Personalised Chocolate Bear from Adam for Easter 6. Gorgeous cakes 7. The bloomed daffodils 8. Afternoon tea 9. Miniature daffodils 10. Starbucks 11. The best bath ever 12. Beauty haul 13. A message for Mother's Day 14. The Tangle Teezer 15. The Beauty Blender 16. A very true quote 17. Yummy doughnuts 18. Beauty 19. The brownie mixture . My first LUSH bath bomb

So these past two months have been exciting! I finished my dissertation draft - 10,000 words complete! - and I had a months work experience at Cosmopolitan Magazine. I also got my marks back for my final year Major Multimedia Project which I was really happy with. As I'm in my final year of uni, everything is all getting a bit too real now but in under two months time I will no longer be a student. *Scary* But in the next two months I have so much to look forward to - completely finishing my dissertation, turning 21, celebrating 2 and a half years with my boyfriend (soppy, I know) and maybe even going somewhere really exciting on holiday!! I'm so excited to see what unexpected things these months hold for me, hopefully it will be a new job! But for now though, I am going to concentrate on getting my dissertation done and also carry on blogging (obviously). Let me know what you lot are up to in the next few months!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


If you have long and thick hair, you will know the struggle of wearing it down - it gets knotty and messy in only a few minutes of going outside, and don't even talk about what it's like when we've just got out of the shower! Brushing sometimes just doesn't do it so that's why I have wanted a Tangle Teezer for quite some time. I was actually going to put it in my May Wishlist, but my parents bought me this as a little Easter present, as I had mentioned that I wanted it.

For those of you that don't know what a Tangle Teezer is, it's a small brush/comb that claims to detangle hair without struggling and pulling on the hair. We all know how painful it can be when trying to brush out knots and this was what made me want it so much. I've heard so many people rave about this product but I didn't know whether it was just a gimmick.

It actually does the job! Using this on dry hair definitely makes it softer and tangle free within only a couple of seconds of using it. It's also small enough to keep in any size bag so you can constantly give your hair a quick de-tangling treatment on the go. It sticks to it's word when it says it's painless and I can definitely see the difference of using my brush you get my tangles out, to using this. It's a lot quicker and easier and does all of that painlessly. With wet hair, it has a little bit more of a struggle but it still comes through in the end!

The Teezer is shaped in a way that it is easy to grip the product without it slipping out of your hands. They have a variety of different colours and patterns (the gold one is so cool) and they even have some for kids.

The worst bit is probably it's price. At about £12, it is quite expensive so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't need it, such as people with shorter hair or someone with hair less likely to get tangled.

However, I do love this product and I am so glad that I have finally got it and it didn't turn out to be just a gimmick! I love taking it around with me and I've definitely have started wearing my hair down a lot more since getting this Tangle Teezer! Let me know you thoughts in the comments below and also let me know of any products you think I'll like!

Saturday, 25 April 2015


For the past month I've been interning at Cosmopolitan Magazine in London. I had such an amazing time, everyone was so nice and I am so glad to have had this opportunity. It was my first time working in London so there were many things I found out about the capital city that I had no clue of before.

1. Oxford Street is not a place you can rush through
People are just EVERYWHERE.

2. On that note, neither are the tube stations
You think you have enough pace and speed to get your train on time and then some confused and lost person will slowly walk in your way.

3. People are either really rude or really friendly, there's no in between

4. Oxford Street is a magical place
The Disney store is especially wonderful.

5. The floor is un-even. I've learnt from personal experience
I've also got the bruises and scabs to prove it.

6. London prices aren't really that much different to prices everywhere else
When people say "oh it's London so it's going to be more expensive." They're lying. I didn't see any difference.

7. People stand in front of the yellow line in the tube station and it makes me nervous
I've heard enough horror stories to stay far away from the lines.

8. The street sweepers in London don't have the easiest of jobs
See number 1.

9. Deciding on where to eat is a chore in itself
There are just SO MANY places.

10 . London is just not for me
Falling flat on my face, dropping my iPod down the side of a train door and getting lost (multiple times) but kind of proves that, really. But that doesn't mean to say I won't be working there again. I just hope I'll come back in one piece.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Just a quick post today...
I have got a lot of new beauty products and accessories recently and like most other bloggers, I want to blog about products as soon as I get them. But sometimes that's not the best way to do it as you haven't properly used the item over a long period of time. So I am going to start doing first impression posts so you can what I think about a product on my first use of it, and then after a couple of months or so - when I have used it a lot more - I'll upload another post about the same product and see how my opinions have changed since the first use! You'll be able to find the first impressions post quickly by clicking on it in the top bar ^^.

If you like what you see, then please give me a quick follow over on Twitter, Bloglovin & Instagram

Monday, 6 April 2015


For those of you who know me (and are familiar with my skincare collection), you'll know that I am obsessed with Simple Skincare. I've got facial wipes, exfoliating wipes, face wash, brightening cream and facial wash gel, but my favourite of the bunch at the moment is the Simple Vital Vitamin Day Cream. This one is my third pot and I am completely in love.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have really sensitive skin (I have rosacea) and there was a time that I was told by doctors to use aqueous cream only and nothing else - no makeup or anything - for two weeks. The aqueous cream helped a bunch but after 6 months or so of using it I wanted to move back on to 'normal' moisturiser. I knew I couldn't go back to the one I was using before as I'm pretty sure it wasn't helping my skin at all, if not making it worse. I chose Simple because I knew the brand was known for sensitive skin and knew that the moisturiser would contain very little ingredients that may harm my skin. So I gave it a go and 3 pots later, here we are.

One of the main things I love about this cream is the texture. I know it sounds cliché - and doesn't really give any information about it at all - but it's not too thick nor too thin. Basically, it's not thick enough to make my face feel heavy and clogged up, but it's not that thin that it feels like I have nothing on there. It dries pretty quickly but does leave moisture to the skin for quite some time. I don't have particularly greasy skin - I mean, it has it's days but usually it's not too bad - and this moisturiser doesn't make me look greasy, but that's probably to do with it drying quite quickly.

You can tell how innocent and simple the cream is just by the smell alone. There's no fake, perfume-y smell or flowery scent, but at times it can smell quite 'clinical', however I think that is mostly when it's in the tub. When I'm applying it to my face, it usually smells quite fresh and natural.

The only thing that I'm not over the mood with is how small the pot is. When you get the pot out of the box, it seems quite big but when you take the lid off you can see that it's not as big as it seems - but I guess most moisturisers are the same. I've noticed that it takes me just under 3 months to use each tub - I admit, it's not that bad, but I had to think of something negative and if I could change anything, it would be the size of the pot!

Make sure you let me know what your opinions are of this cream. Also let me know what moisturisers you use!

Saturday, 4 April 2015


Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream | Rimmel London Match Perfection Light Perfection Radiance Foundation | Garnier BB Cream SPF 50 | GOSH Primer Plus + | Quick Fix Mega Moisture Mask | Soap & Glory Wonder Bronze | Rimmel London Lasting Finish Primer | Mac Highlighter Powder | Collection Eyes Uncovered Nude Grey Palette | Sleek i-Quad Eyeshadow and Eyeliner Palette | No 7 Concealer Brush | Beauty Blender | No 7 Stay Perfect Instant Tan Lotion | Invisibobbles | Blistex Happy Lips Mango | Real Techniques Bold Metal Pointed Foundation Brush | Sleek Lipstick | Simple Kind To Skin Micellar Cleansing Water | Got2B Mind Blowing Styling Spray | L'Oreal Full Restore Extreme Shampoo & Conditioner.

This week I've gone a bit crazy with getting new beauty stuff but most of it is either re-buying products that I've loved before or getting new things that I have been eyeing up for a while! As you can tell, I like my primers and thought that I should stock up on some - same for BB creams! I'm going to write seperate posts on some, if not most, of these products in the next couple of months or so, so keep an eye out for that. And also keep watch on my Instagram page as I will be snapping some pics and telling you what I think about them on there too! Also, there are a couple of things that I haven't included in these photos so expect some more to creep up on the blog from time to time! Let me know if you've tried any of these products and what you think about them! Tarrah, for now!